Samstag, Februar 21, 2015

Fiasko für Anita Sarkessian

Franziska Schutzbach ist beileibe nicht die einzige Feministin, die glaubt, in einem Frauen unterdrückenden Patriarchat zu leben, während sie für ihre radikale Polemik in den Leitmedien ein Podium erhält, das für Männerrechtler im deutschsprachigen Raum undenkbar wäre. (Und die offenbar nicht einmal im Ansatz wahrnimmt, wie enorm privilegiert sie damit ist.) Sie ist auch nicht die einzige Feministin, die versucht, Kritik an ihrer Ideologie als "Hass" zu verunglimpfen. Wesentlich bekannter als Schutzbach ist mit dieser Strategie Anita Sarkessian geworden, vor allem durch ihre Kampagne, die Gamer-Community als einen frauenfeindlichen Mob darzustellen. Auch Sarkessian erhält von den "Männermedien" engagierte Schützenhilfe – und erleidet trotzdem Schiffbruch:

On January 14th Anita Sarkessian made an appearance on ABC News show Nightline. This piece was supposed to be the beginning of the end of Gamergate.

Anita had only a few days earlier received a massive amount of financial support from Intel. It was more than enough to start a serious campaign to wipe Gamergate off the map. So assured were they that their victory was at hand that Brianna Wu went on her Twitter feed and for all intents and purposes declared the fight over and that they had already won. If anyone actually screen saved that tweet I’d really like to see it and share it again.

Possibly also emboldened by the fact that Anita was sounding the war trumpets a few other places Buzzfeed did it twice, Mother Jones, Daily Telegraph and Huffington Post all lined up to take runs at at the Mens Rights Movement or at Individuals in the movement. These hit pieces were soundly trashed in the comments sections.There were also more than a few people in the Gamergate crowd that were literally throwing in the towel before these articles and Anita’s Nightline story had even come out. There was just one problem with this though …

Someone forgot to tell the people in Gamergate that they were supposed to surrender without a fight!

A few did surrender most didn’t. They geared up and got ready for a online fight that may in my opinion may have struck the blow that might eventually cause the Anti Gamergate movement to eventually bleed out.

So with the advantage of armchair generals everywhere let’s take a look at what happened and why Gamergate won this round in a huge and spectacular way.

Hier geht es weiter.

Diese Lehre für Anita Sarkessian kann eine Lehre für sehr viele Feministinnen bis hin zu Franziska Schutzbach sein: Wenn ihr so starke Kontrolle über die Leitmedien habt, dass diese einzig und allein eure Seite darstellen, und euch die meisten Bürger trotzdem scheiße finden, dann macht ihr irgendwas ganz entschieden falsch.

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