Samstag, Februar 22, 2014

Times of India: Führen härtere Gesetze gegen Vergewaltigungen zu einer Zunahme von Falschbeschuldigungen?

Fears have been expressed that strengthening of the law against sexual offenses after the Nirbhaya case has also led to an increase in false cases. Now, there's some evidence to support this claim. Statistics on the disposal of rape cases in Delhi's trial courts show a sharp increase in the acquittal rate after the infamous December 16, 2012, gang rape.

While in 2012, the acquittal rate in rape cases was 46%, in the first eight months of 2013 (for which exact figures are available) it shot up to 75%. Sources said acquittals remain high this year as well, accounting for around 70% of the cases.

Legal experts say the high acquittal rates are because of a spurt in the number of false rape cases being filed. The observations of judges in acquittal cases also bear this out.

Hier geht es weiter. Ich bin mir sicher, dass sich Bundespräsident Gauck gründlich mit dieser Problematik beschäftigt hat, bevor er den Indern Ratschläge gegeben hat, wie sie in ihrem Land mit dem Problem sexueller Gewalt umgehen sollen ...

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