Freitag, August 10, 2007

"Väter: das dritte Opfer der Abtreibungsindustrie"

Dass die Abtreibung eines Kindes auch für Männer traumatisierende Folgen haben kann, wissen wir dank Dr. Catherine Coyle spätestens seit Ende der neunziger Jahre, aber es geht in der Debatte immer wieder unter. Carey Roberts widmet sich diesem Thema erneut auf Wendy McElroys liberal-feministischer Website. Ein Auszug:

In their book "Men and Abortion: Lessons, Losses, and Love", Shostak and McLouth report that 44% of single men offered to marry the woman, 18% of the couples had discussed adoption, and half the men accompanied the woman to the abortion clinic - hardly the image of wholesale male abandonment. When these men show up at the clinic, they are met with a chilly reception. Two-thirds of the fathers want to accompany their partner throughout the experience, and nine out of 10 hope to hold the hand of their partner in the recovery room. But in most cases abortion clinics prohibit men from such expressions of support.


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