Dienstag, Februar 06, 2007

"Sie verdient mehr, und das ist okay"

Die L.A.Times berichtet über einen wachsenden Trend in den USA:

Couples such as the Fraziers — with the wife bringing home most of the bacon — are becoming increasingly common and accepted among the nation's twenty- and thirtysomethings, the result of shifting education and job market patterns, and new attitudes toward work, family and gender differences. That could help accelerate the growth in the number of marriages in which women are the sole or primary breadwinners. Census Bureau data show that 25.3% of women in two-income marriages bring home the bigger paycheck, up from 17.8% in 1987. Younger women, now graduating from college at higher rates than men and aggressively recruited by many employers, are becoming anything but desperate housewives. Some, like Danielle Frazier, out-earn male peers starting with their first jobs.

Aber es kann auch zu Problemen kommen:

Some marriages don't survive. Steven Nock, a University of Virginia sociologist, found that women who earned more than their husbands were more likely than higher-earning men to leave an unsatisfying marriage. Ego-deflating jokes or remarks at wives' office parties sometimes grate at lesserearning husbands. Parents and in-laws can inadvertently make matters worse. Aaron Frazier said that when Danielle had gotten a raise, his mother was happy for her, but "she's pushing me to step up and get my income increased."


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